How Does Rubber Matting Work?

Rubber matting:

Do you want a high-performing, high-quality rubber mat for your business? Rubber Matting Co has a wide range of high-quality rubber mats with non-slip and sound-absorbing properties and is an expert when it comes to durable, hard-wearing commercial and industrial mats. The mats are designed to enhance the look of the entrance of your business and any reception area. Rubber mats from Rubber Matting Co safeguard and protect your business premises from dirt, moisture, water, and wear, protecting marble, titled, wooden, and carpeted floors from becoming damaged over time, even in high traffic areas. Browse our online range and find rubber mats that suit your individual business needs, either as rolls for larger runs or fixed sizes for smaller areas.

In addition to rubber entrance mats, Rubber Matting Co offers chemical-resistant, antifatigue, non-slip, and rolled rubber mats. Additionally, they are available in a variety of sizes to cover small, medium, large and complicated areas, ensuring your floor is covered as much as possible. Rubber is one of the worlds most used materials and it has presence in virtually every market segment across the globe. Mats are one type of product that makes liberal use of rubber. After all, rubber is cheap, durable and can be molded and colored to customers specifications. Rubber matting can be broken up into a few categories depending on its use. As such, we have everything from gym mats, bathroom mats to those used in the kitchen.

The basic role of rubber matting is to ensure that your feet are dry and free from dirt. As such, it is more of a home safety item rather than an aesthetic one. They are especially useful should you have children or the elderly living at home as any fall could potentially be disastrous. Children on the other hand have a knack of bruising themselves from falls regardless of the environment. The most basic type of rubber matting being sold around the world is the humble entrance mat. All forms of rubber matting are usually made from durable rubber materials to prolong its lifespan. Additionally, they are used for both the outdoors as well as indoors.

Kitchen Matting

The kitchen is one of two places within the home that makes good use of rubber matting. This is because the kitchen is an area of high activity. It is not uncommon for the kitchen floors to be wet and greasy after a few hours of cooking. As such, this area can become a walking hazard. Most types of kitchen matting features holes that allow any liquids to drain off. Rubber Floor Mats are also high grip variants due to the type of thread patterns featured on the product. They must also be able to deal with grease effectively and you will usually find these variants being sold as "heavy duty kitchen mats".

Gym Matting

Gyms are another area that makes use of rubber matting. This is because of the large amounts of moisture in the form of sweat the gym has to deal with. As such, they are a necessary safety item for those environments. Modern technology has allowed for anti-fatigue mats, which allow customers to remain on their feet for longer periods of time.


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