Are Rubber Mats Toxic?

Summer is approaching and Football practice is starting up for many high schools and colleges. Football practice means cleats on feet - hundreds of feet each day - crossing over the oval running track that often surrounds school football fields. Running tracks can cost a small fortune and they look great. How long they look great depends upon the measures taken to protect the surface of the track. Consider the use of Rubber floor mats to protect your track. They should be resistant to bacteria and fungus. This is really a very important point to consider since not having bacteria and fungus-resistant Rubber Mats can pose a threat to the health of those who will be using them. If you bought non-fungus-resistant ones, then you should just make sure that they are constantly washed to keep them clean.

Floor mats can be used to prevent damage to tracks that can occur from football cleats, turf care vehicles and other types of equipment that are required to roll over the track to get to the interior field area. Protection of the track is often an afterthought or not a thought at all until the damage occurs and costly repairs are required. The methods of protection employed may include putting some plywood over the track, carpet remnants or some other product not designed to protect the substrate underneath.

Plywood is heavy, tends to warp over time and is not very attractive. Coaches or Athletic Directors will need to "remember" to put the plywood down, remove it and find someone to carry out this constant task. Plywood that warps presents a tripping hazard which can cause injury. Finally, if your school has invested major dollars in a track, stadium, painting the field and in decorations for the big game, warped plywood tends to detract from the entire experience. Floor mats usually have a carpet or some type of fabric on their surface. This feature is great for adding colors, but does nothing toward the functionality of the product. My recommendation would be to utilize a rubber mat with no carpet or fabric on the surface.

Rubber mats offer a great Coefficient of Friction, is simple to roll up (Portability), is very durable and if utilized in a 1/8 inch or 1/4 inch gauge, offers a very low profile. Rubber mats are heavy enough to stay in place but not so heavy that they cannot be moved easily. Some Rubber Floor Mats offer a ribbed or pyramid surface for "safety". This is a feature that is not necessary because rubber already offers a safe walking surface. These nooks and crannies can actually hold water and freeze posing a slip hazard in icy conditions especially the ribbed matting. When choosing a product to protect your track, you may wish to consider a rubber mat like Track Shield or some other type of thin rolled rubber floor mat. Products like these are durable and offer a portability that allow the floor mats to be used for a variety of applications when ever protecting a floor or substrate is desired.


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